Other Shortcodes


Box with predefined background color




  • color: blue | green | red | yellow | purple | grey



[boxcolor color="blue"]Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident sunt in culpa eiusmod officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum[/boxcolor]


[boxcolor color=»blue»]Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident sunt in culpa eiusmod officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum[/boxcolor]
[boxcolor color=»green»]Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident sunt in culpa eiusmod officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum[/boxcolor]
[boxcolor color=»red»]Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident sunt in culpa eiusmod officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum[/boxcolor]



Client List




  • title: title
  • category: category slug
  • showpost: number of post



[client_list title="As Seen On" category="test-category" showpost=""]


[client_list title=»As Seen On» category=»test-category» showpost=»»]


Recent Post




  • title: title section
  • num: number of post to show
  • disableimg: disable thumb image
  • category: category slug post



[recentpost title="From Our Blog" num="2" disableimg="false" category="blog"]

[recentpost title=»From Our Blog» num=»3″ disableimg=»false» category=»blog»]







  • column: column layout
  • showpost: number of post



[testimonial column="2" showpost="2"]


[testimonial column=»2″ showpost=»2″]



Highlight Box


No Parameter


[col_34]<h4>Aeolus is Clean, Minimal, and Simple theme to meet your needs</h4>
<p>Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit.</p>[/col_34]
[col_14]<a href="#" class="button large blue">Get a Quote</a>[/col_14]



Aeolus is Clean, Minimal, and Simple theme to meet your needs

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit.[/col_34]
[col_14]Get a Quote[/col_14]



Social Icon




  • src: name of icon
  • title: title tooltip
  • link: link profil



[social_icon src="facebook.gif" title="Our Facebook" link="http://facebook.com"]
[social_icon src="twitter.gif" title="Follow Twitter" link="http://twitter.com"]
[social_icon src="googleplus.gif" title="Google+ Profile" link="http://plus.google.com"]

[social_icon src=»facebook.gif» title=»Our Facebook» link=»http://facebook.com»][social_icon src=»twitter.gif» title=»Follow Twitter» link=»http://twitter.com»][social_icon src=»googleplus.gif» title=»Google+ Profile» link=»http://plus.google.com»]

[spacer height=10]

Note :

500px.gif = 500px
behance.gif = Behance
blogger.gif = Blogger
cargo.gif = Cargo
coroflot.gif = Coro Flot
creattica.gif = Creattica
delicious.gif = Delicious
deviantart.gif = Deviantart
dribbble.gif = Dribble
facebook.gif = Facebook
feedburner.gif = Feed Burner
flickr.gif = Flickr


forrst.gif = Forsst
github.gif = Github
googleplus.gif = Google+
icloud.gif = iColud
icq.gif = icq
instagram.gif = Instagram
lastfm.gif = Lastfm
linkedin.gif = Linkedin
livejournal.gif = Livejournal
myspace.gif = Myspace
pinterest.gif = Pinterest
posterous.gif = Posterous



rss.gif = Rss
sharethis.gif = Sharethis
skype.gif = Skype
soundcloud.gif = SoundCloud
stackoverflow.gif = Stackoverflow
stumbleupon.gif = Stumbleupon
tumblr.gif = Tumblr
twitter.gif = Twitter
vimeo.gif = Vimeo
wordpress.gif = WordPress
xing.gif = Xing
youtube.gif = Youtube









  • title: title portfolio section
  • desc: portfolio description
  • showposttitle: title portfolio item
  • showpostdesc: description portfolio item
  • showpost: number of post to show
  • column: column layout
  • cat: category slug portfolio



[portfolio title="Recent Project" desc="Donec nec justo eget felis facilisis fermentum. Aliquam porttitor mauris sit amet orci. Aenean dignissim pellentesque felis." showposttitle="yes" showpostdesc="no" showpost="4" column="4" cat="print-design"]


[portfolio title=»Recent Project» desc=»Donec nec justo eget felis facilisis fermentum. Aliquam porttitor mauris sit amet orci. Aenean dignissim pellentesque felis.» showposttitle=»yes» showpostdesc=»yes» showpost=»4″ column=»4″ cat=»print-design»]

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